Third Annual Signing Days Celebrate 389 Signees

Electric Boat (EB) recently held our third annual High School Signing Days in Connecticut and Rhode Island, celebrating 389-and-counting high school students who have chosen to pursue a career in shipbuilding at EB following graduation.

Over 5,800 Turkeys Donated During Annual Turkey Distribution

A long-standing EB tradition, turkey distribution serves as a way for the workforce to kick off the holiday season together, and for management to personally thank employees for another year of hard work and contributions to our mission. EB ordered nearly 23,000 turkeys this year to hand out to employees, many of whom continued their own tradition of giving back by donating their turkey to those in need.

Electric Boat Delivers Submarine Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795)

Electric Boat is proud to announce the delivery of the nuclear-powered attack submarine Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) to the U.S. Navy. Hyman G. Rickover is the 22nd submarine of the Virginia class, which provides the U.S. Navy with the capabilities required to retain undersea dominance well into the 21st century.

Hyman G. Rickover Embarks on Sea Trials

Groton, Conn., is the Submarine Capital of the World, and for those visiting, living or working in the area, you can understand why—especially if you’ve caught a glimpse of an Electric Boat submarine cruising down the Thames River. Most recently, this was SSN 795 Hyman G. Rickover, heading out for the first time to embark on sea trials.

Another Milestone Reached for PCU Iowa

PCU Iowa (SSN 797), the 24th submarine of the Virginia class, recently rolled out of General Dynamics Electric Boat’s assembly building in Groton, CT. Following the roll-out, PCU Iowa made her way to the graving dock, which was filled with water to result in the milestone of float-off.

Keel of Future USS Tang is Well and Truly Laid

General Dynamics Electric Boat (GDEB) held a keel laying ceremony for the future Virginia-class submarine Tang (SSN 805) on August 17, 2023. The keel-laying is a ceremonial event in which the initials of the ship’s sponsor are welded onto a plate to be permanently mounted in a place of honor on the completed vessel, marking a milestone in the construction of a ship.

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